Soy Wax Candles

Soy wax candles have gained popularity in recent years as an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to traditional paraffin wax candles. Made from soybeans, a renewable resource, soy wax candles offer a range of benefits that make them a preferred choice for many people. In this article, we will explore the benefits of soy wax candles and explain why they are a better choice than paraffin wax candles.

What is Soy Wax?

Soy wax is a natural wax made from the oil of soybeans. It is a renewable resource that is biodegradable and non-toxic. Soy wax candles burn cleanly and release fewer toxins into the air compared to paraffin wax candles.

Soy wax is also a better alternative to beeswax candles for those who are vegan or have allergies. While beeswax is a natural wax, it is derived from bees and therefore not suitable for everyone.

Benefits of Soy Wax Candles

Eco-friendly and Sustainable

Soy wax candles are an eco-friendly and sustainable choice. Soybeans are a renewable resource that can be grown again and again. Soy wax candles are also biodegradable, which means they break down naturally and do not contribute to environmental pollution.

In contrast, paraffin wax candles are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. The production and disposal of paraffin wax candles also contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Clean Burning

Soy wax candles burn cleanly and do not produce harmful toxins or chemicals. Paraffin wax candles, on the other hand, release carcinogenic chemicals like benzene and toluene when burned. These chemicals can cause health problems like headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues.

Soy wax candles also produce less soot than paraffin wax candles. Soot can stain walls and furniture and is a known irritant to the respiratory system.

Longer Burning Time

Soy wax candles have a longer burning time than paraffin wax candles. This is because soy wax has a lower melting point than paraffin wax, which means it burns more slowly. A soy wax candle can burn up to 50% longer than a paraffin wax candle of the same size.

Better Scent Throw

Soy wax candles have a better scent throw than paraffin wax candles. This means that they release more fragrance into the air, creating a stronger and more pleasant aroma. Soy wax also holds onto fragrance oils better than paraffin wax, which means that the scent will last longer.

Easy to Clean

Soy wax is easy to clean up with soap and water. Spills and drips can be wiped away easily without leaving behind any stains. In contrast, paraffin wax is difficult to clean and can leave behind permanent stains.


Soy wax candles are non-toxic and do not release harmful chemicals into the air. This makes them a safer choice for people with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues. Paraffin wax candles, on the other hand, can release harmful chemicals that can cause health problems.

Support for Farmers

Soybeans are a crop that can be grown by small farmers around the world. By choosing soy wax candles, you are supporting these farmers and their families. This is in contrast to paraffin wax candles, which are made from petroleum and support the oil industry.

Soy wax candles are an excellent choice for people who are looking for an eco-friendly, sustainable, and non-toxic alternative to traditional paraffin wax candles. Soy wax is a renewable resource that burns cleanly, lasts longer, and releases a stronger scent. It is also easy to clean and supports small farmers around the world.

By choosing soy wax candles, you can enjoy all the benefits of a high-quality candle while also supporting a healthier planet and making a positive impact on the lives of small farmers. So the next time you’re looking for a candle to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home, consider choosing a soy wax candle and experience the benefits for yourself.